Our Build-a-Wheelchair event ran perfectly and the facilitation kept our teams on track throughout the event. The whole concept of giving a group of colleagues (most of which didn’t know each other) a mission to compete in iPad Activities in order to build the wheelchair was a great team builder. It got them out of their comfort zone and working together on a valuable cause. From what we observed, the wheelchair time-trial races were the most fun for our learners. It was also a valuable experience to “put them in somebody else’s shoes”. The iPad Photo challenges had a lot of people laughing and having a good time too! The iPad activities and facilitation galvanized teams of strangers and led them to the successful build of all wheelchairs. All of the teams that we observed were having a great time! A BIG thank you to your team. All of our Partner Stakeholders were very happy with this Charity Event! It was the first time this group had included a charitable event at one of their conferences, and it was a success!

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