Presentation Skills Training

A group of people sitting around a table.

The ability to present effectively can mean the difference between career development that’s limited and one with continuing growth and opportunities. This training workshop can benefit both sides of the coin – instilling confidence in those new to, and perhaps wary of presenting while honing the skills of those more experienced. Learn how to deliver compelling presentations, engage a specific audience, deal with unexpected situations and more.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Training

The cover of myers briggs.

This enlightening program will introduce your group to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment. This tool can dramatically improve team dynamics by identifying personality types and demonstrating how the knowledge of these types can be applied to improve group communication, understanding, and performance. Participants will also gain a comprehensive look at their specific personality traits, and what strengths they bring to the table.

Meeting Management

A group of business people standing around a table.

This one-day workshop focuses on the three steps necessary to manage meetings effectively, including creating agendas and preparation, how to run the meeting in action with clear-cut engagement rules and specific goals, handling the unexpected, forming action plans and how to close meetings on a positive note.

Manager’s Guide to Business Coaching

Manager's guide to business coaching.

Constructive guidance and consistent coaching are critical responsibilities of all managers, but the best managers have a coaching style which is based on a number of specific factors – all of which greatly impact how the information is perceived and managed. In this managerial skills workshop, we explore some of the proven coaching practices that can strengthen relationships, bolster trust and reap the benefits of open and positive communication with your team in the workplace.

Emotional Intelligence Training

An iceberg with the words iq and eq on it.

An Emotionally Intelligent company is one in which each member understands their Emotional Quotient (E.Q.) and how best to tap into it for professional growth. Applying E.I. within an organization can build trust and encourage open communication. This fascinating, informative workshop will cover the case studies on E.I, its six major components and how one can apply their own E.Q. at home and in the workplace.

DiSC Workshop

Four different pictures of people with the word disc.

In this eye-opening workshop, your group will be introduced to the DiSC Model, a behavior assessment tool that helps professionals understand their own styles of behavior and communication, as well as those of their colleagues. Learning how to manage these styles and identify areas in need of improvement can help participants eliminate bad habits, minimize conflict and improve the overall success of their team.

Conflict Resolution Training

Two business people shaking hands with the words conflict resolution.

Managing conflict can be the difference between a simple “bump in the road” or lost productivity and long-term animosity in the workplace. A central part of this leadership training workshop will be the introduction of the Thomas Kilmann Inventory assessment. Using the results of this inventory, the facilitator will show how one’s natural conflict-handling styles can be refined. Strategies are introduced and honed to engender a workplace culture that will become better equipped to handle conflict.

Competition to Collaboration®

A group of people working on a wooden frame.

Our engaging, trademarked training program that highlights the positive impacts of organizational synergy, both in sharing best practices and celebrating your colleagues’ successes. It begins with two sub-teams completing various challenges separately, attempting to improve their own performance and reaching goals for the other team to beat. This is followed by a surprise twist that reinforces the message of team collaboration.

Igniting Team Performance®

A group of people raising their hands in the air.

This exclusive training will guide your team through a progressive series of engaging initiatives followed by rich processing discussions focused on high-performing teams. Throughout the program, demonstrated skills are acknowledged while areas for improvement are identified and immediately applied during subsequent activities. Igniting Team Performance® will enhance individual and team performance in the workplace.