Atlantic City Ambassador / Barbara

Atlantic City Ambassador logo

We were very pleased with your Build-A-Raft program! From the preparation to the finish, everything was handled in the most efficient and professional way! Our clients loved the program! I look forward to working more and more with Best Corporate Events and being able to offer our clients top-notch programs.

MotivAction, LLC / Cindy / Build-a-Wheelchair

MotivAction logo

Exciting, fun and engaging. One of the best team building events we’ve ever done. It really got everyone involved right from the start. What a great way to give back to those who gave so much for us and our country. It’s one that we won’t soon forget! I also want to say that your […]

Association of Destination Management Executives International / Fran

Admi association of destination management executives international.

Thanks so much for the fantastic team building event you delivered at the 2014 ADMEI Conference in Washington, DC. Your program, Build a Wheelchair received a 4.7 out of 5.0! Comments included “This was great!” and “The lead facilitator did a great job of warming us up with some fun icebreakers” and “The team-building event […]

ADMEI / Grant

ADMEI logo

The program started with some light, fun warm-up activities that easily broke down barriers and got everyone in a team-minded, competitive spirit. The actual building of the wheelchairs was a fun and fulfilling activity but the icing on the cake was the reaction from the local Washington, DC charitable organizations that were receiving the fully […]

BBC Destination Management / Denise

Bbc destination management logo.

Your Build-a-Wheelchair team building program was great. Thank you so much for the opportunity to give back. It meant a lot to all the Destination Management Executives attending the ADMEI Conference and we had so much fun doing it as well!

DESTINation Management, LLC / Marilyn

Destination management logo.

The Build-a-Wheelchair program was engaging and fun. I would definitely recommend it for groups that are competitive in nature and have the desire to meet and interact with their peers. It was not only fun and challenging but it also had a higher purpose…to give others a better life. It really makes a great impression.

BCE / Casino Competition

We are known for taking team building program concepts and ramping up their excitement level by incorporating our proprietary app technology. We’ve done it again by combining high-tech activities with the most popular casino games to create our new Casino Competition!

Legacy Homes / Thomas

Legacy homes logo on a black background.

Your Catapult team building program was innovative, creative and a fun competition. Who would have thought we could build a catapult that flings things so far. What else could we ask for? It was just like Junkyard Wars on TV. Our group had a great time!

Wells Fargo Capital Finance / Paula

Everyone loved the Charity Golf Build and had a great time. You are certainly one of the best team building companies I have had the pleasure to work with in my 28 years here at Wells Fargo. You put together a well-organized team-building event with a very hard working and enthusiastic crew. I would highly […]

Charity Mini-Golf Course Build / Las Vegas Rescue Mission / Joseph

Las vegas rescue mission logo.

When the 6,000 pounds of food was donated, the director pulled me aside and said, ‘We had a meeting 3 weeks ago and came to the tough realization that this fall we would not have enough food to feed all the needy families of Las Vegas in our neediest time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. In […]