A Minute 2 Win It! / Securitas Security Services USA / Holly

Securitas logo on a black background.

Our group really enjoyed A Minute 2 Win It! It was very organized event and we all had fun! The best part of the event was the kick off and how it got everyone engaged. We can’t wait until our next team building program with BCE next year!

Pipeline / TT Electronics / Rayne

T electronics logo on a white background.

Our Pipeline event was very organized. The theme related with our objective of team building and accomplished our greater goal as a team. The most fun was watching the final race results of the catapult we all built. Our group really enjoyed all the activities.

Competition to Collaboration / General Motors / Susan

Gm logo on a blue square.

Our Competition to Collaboration event created a high level of interaction with clear lessons the group easily identified. All three of the challenge sessions were fun and your lead facilitator did a great job. I got excellent feedback from my boss and the team. With 1/3 of our team being new and the second day […]

Build-a-Wheelchair / PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP / Matthew

The pwc logo on a white background.

Our Build-a-Wheelchair event ran perfectly and the facilitation kept our teams on track throughout the event. The whole concept of giving a group of colleagues (most of which didn’t know each other) a mission to compete in iPad Activities in order to build the wheelchair was a great team builder. It got them out of […]

Kids Rock / Abbott Nutrition / Joann

Abbott Nutrition logo

Our group loved the activities in their Kids Rock event, as well as the charitable “giving back” aspect of the program. The most fun was the interactive iPad contest. As salespeople, our group is very competitive and loved the competition. Having the receiving organization (Ronald McDonald House) representatives on-site to accept the rocking chairs, bears […]

Chili Cook-Off / Shell Oil Products US / Mike

The shell logo on a white background.

Lots of great remarks about how much the event was enjoyed. Attaining the ingredients and actually cooking the chili was the most fun and shooting photo challenges with the iPads was a great team builder. Our Chili Cook-Off was extremely well organized. Great job guys!

Build-a-Wheelchair / Visa Inc / Lauren

VISA logo

I wanted to thank you for your amazing services! Our Digital Products Offsite yesterday was a complete success and it would have never happened without each of you. Working with your sales department during the conception of this endeavor was a joy. You were so responsive and detailed, it made the decision to proceed with […]

Donation Nation Care Packs / AlliedPRA San Diego / Leah

Allied pra logo on a white background.

Our 900-person Donation Nation Care Packs program was very organized and well run! The entire event was a great team builder. Our large group had a blast and completed the entire exercise in record time. The building of the care packages and the personalized note cards at the end was the most fun. Your lead […]

Game Show Mania / Amazon Web Services / Zachary

Amazon web services logo.

Our Corporate Game Show Mania was extremely organized. The game was fun and our group enjoyed the activities. Some folks kept on going several times to participate. It was a good team building idea to put our teams together based on the month they are born.

Minute 2 Win It! for Charity / Bio-Rad Laboratories / Elise

Bio-Rad logo

Everyone had a great time at the Minute to Win It for Charity program. The best team building aspect was the word relationship game. Everyone is still talking about it and that they learned a lot about their teammates. Half of my group originally said they couldn’t stay for the whole event and yet they […]