Retention and Recruitment Strategies: How Team Building Helps

A group of people sitting at a table having a conversation.

The bad news for employers is that today’s worker shortage isn’t just a temporary blip caused by the pandemic, but is part of a longer-term trend. The good news is that the underlying reasons for worker dissatisfaction are within the control of leaders.

The Four Essential Roles of a Team Building Facilitator

An illustration of an effective team building facilitator juggling hats.

An effective team building facilitator is able to transition through several distinct roles very quickly, ultimately going from initially being the focus to transitioning to making the team members the focus seamlessly. Here are four essential roles that the facilitator progresses through during the course of the team building exercise.

Leadership vs Management: What’s the Main Difference?

Illustration of six people marching with red and white flags, led by a person wearing a red cape and waving a red flag, symbolizing the contrast between leadership vs management.

Though the terms “leadership” and “management” are often used interchangeably, and every organization needs both in order to succeed, they are very different concepts. Understanding the difference between leadership and management is vital for balancing and coordinating efforts between the two.

11 Ways to Combat the Epidemic of Loneliness at Work

Silhouette of a man in a suit standing in front of large windows with closed blinds, looking outside, reflecting the quiet solitude of workplace loneliness.

Feelings of emotional and psychological isolation negatively impact employee mental health and business effectiveness. The good news is that the problem is increasingly being recognized, and there are positive steps leaders can take to reduce loneliness and its impacts in the workplace.

Why Leadership Training is Important for Every Employee

A man is delivering a presentation on the benefits of leadership training to a group of people in an office.

Leadership training isn’t just for leaders. If your organization is thinking about leadership training too narrowly, you could be missing out on big opportunities to improve communication, collaboration, and productivity across your enterprise.

Bad Leadership: The Signs, The Impact, and The Cure

An illustration of a group of business people talking to each other.

U.S. companies are facing a crisis of bad leadership, and it’s costing them in terms of lost employee trust, excessive turnover, and ultimately poorer business performance. The good news is that companies with strong leadership are thriving, and their experience provides a guide to fixing the problems.