Bike Build Donation / Infinite Electronic / Amanda

Infinit electronics logo

The best team building aspect of our Bike Build Donation program was the interaction between the groups while collecting points. The entire event was fun and our group loved it. It was a great time and a great experience.

Build-a-Raft Competition / AlliedPRA San Diego / Erin

Allied pra logo on a white background.

The Build-a-Raft Competition you delivered for our client this week was in their own words – Epic! Creating the rafts was a great team builder and the races were really fun. Your lead facilitator was great! She was extremely flexible with on-site changes.

Bike Build Donation / Xerox / Kristy

Xerox logo

Taking a step back from the bike building, I looked around to see all of the teams collaborating and working together, which was amazing to see. We had fun building the bikes, completing the tasks, and seeing the impact on the Boys and Girls Club. I received a lot of compliments on the team building […]

Chocolate Architect / US FDA / Daphne

The fda logo with a bird on it.

Our Chocolate Architect program with the iPads was a perfect program for our group. Your company was very responsive to all our needs and the program was well organized. Our group enjoyed the activities and said the whole program was fun and your lead was a great facilitator.

Movie-Making SmartHunt / DESTINation Management LLC / Marilyn

Destination management logo.

I want to say thank you for providing my company, DESTINation Management and our corporate client with a great experience. The Movie-Making SmartHunt and your lead facilitator were wonderful!!! With the use of your iPads and apps, I can’t imagine how anyone could have done a better job.

Bike Build Donation / Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan / Judy

BCBSMich logo

Our Bike Build Donation was thoroughly successful. It was a great team building program in every respect. It got rave reviews and created lots of laugher too. Your lead facilitator was awesome! Now, we want to come back and do something different…we’ll be in touch!

Game Show Mania / Genentech / Sheryl

Genetech in business for life logo.

The Game Show was fantastic. Your Emcee had a great sense of humor and the program got lots of positive reviews. It was a real team builder because of the willingness of the teams to move along and allow everyone to be involved with the activity. Very engaging – a great activity!

Bike Build Donation / Energy Source / Nicholas

Energy source logo on a white background.

Our Bike Build Donation program was extremely well organized. The best team building part was trying to collectively come up with the correct answers to the questions on the iPads. The most fun was riding the bikes at the end. As a whole, our group really enjoyed the activities. Great event!

A Minute 2 Win It! / ALDI, Inc. / Erika

The aldi logo on a white background.

Our A Minute 2 Win It program was excellent; everyone is still talking about it. The card game at the beginning of the event was a great team builder and the tower activity was the really fun. Your lead facilitator was fabulous!