Build-a-Wheelchair / Institute of Aging / Shabana

Institute on aging logo.

Thank you very much for suggesting the Institute on Aging for the lovely much-needed donation from the Build-a-Wheelchair program you delivered for Facebook®. You are an awesome team! It was such a pleasure to meet you and your teammates. The majority of our clients are low income, so a wheelchair is a huge expense. We […]

Mini-Golf Build and Food Donation / SAP / Jessica

The sap logo on a white background.

Mixing the groups so that the interns worked with different people than they are used to was a great team builder, as was working together creatively with limited resources. The most fun was seeing the interns proud of their work and presenting together. They enjoyed it! Something different for them and they liked being creative. […]

Team Olympics / The Orchard / Heidi

Orchard logo

The Team Olympics was the most fun and our group loved the entire program. We had bad weather and had to move inside and it still worked out great. My favorite team building aspect of the program was that after a team completed the games in speed networking, they THEN had to train another team […]

Bike Build Donation / Jon-Don / Amy

Jon-Don logo

We did the bike build for charity. I will admit when our group found out what it was, they were thinking it would be boring, but, they all loved it! The whole thing was fantastic and we had a terrific time. Your lead facilitator was phenomenal and the charity aspect touched everyone.

Catapult / CACI / Lisa

The logo for caii ever violent.

Everyone was engaged and active, from the first warm-up activity through the end thanks to your great facilitator. He was one of the best I’ve seen in 13 years; clear, engaging, respectful, adapted the basic plan to our requirements flawlessly and had enough energy to drive home the transfer of learning to real-world work in […]

A Minute 2 Win It! / Legal Marketing Association / Holly

The logo for the legal marketing association.

Our A Minute 2 Win It! team building event was very organized. The most fun part of the program was the opening Entourage activity. As a whole our group loved the activities and your lead facilitator’s energy. Thanks again for another great event!

Bike Build Donation / Greenway Health, LLC / Amber

Greenway logo

Our Bike Build Donation with iPads was extremely organized. The best team building aspect of the program was the iPad trivia and team challenges. The most fun was taking the photos and videos. The feedback was very positive. Everyone I spoke with was very excited to be part of a charitable event and hearing the […]

Game Show Feud / Humana / Kate

The humana logo on a green background.

Our Best Corporate Feud event was very organized. I believe that the icebreaker exercise was critical. It got people up and moving – letting go – so they could enjoy the game. The most fun was the competition itself. Boy, we are a competitive group. As a whole, our group loved the activities. It was […]

Build-a-Raft Competition / Foseco / Helen

Profile picture for foseco.

Our Build-a-Raft Competition was very organized. The best aspect of the program was seeing everyone engaged and working as a team. The most fun was watching the people in the pool 🙂 I think the majority, if not everyone in our group had a great time – and the medals were cute.

Build-a-Wheelchair / Johnson & Johnson / Laura

Johnson & Johnson logo

We just completed an extremely organized Build-a-Wheelchair event. The best team building aspect of this program was the group collaboration needed to complete the iPad challenges. Coming up with creative ideas to fulfill the requests was the most fun. Our group loved being active, being competitive and mostly, giving back to the community. I thought […]