Go-Kart Competition / H&M / Helene

H & m logo on a white background.

We just completed a very organized Go-Kart Competition team-building program. Your facilitator was a great host! He also opened the whole experience up with an icebreaker, which wonderfully transitioned our group into the competition. The group really enjoyed the activities and race was a lot of fun!

Donation Nation Care Packs / PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP / Bridget

The pwc logo on a white background.

I think our interns really enjoyed the entire Donation Nation Care Packs program. The use of the iPads to do team activities and collaborate together was great and your lead facilitator was phenomenal. He was on time, organized and enthusiastic throughout the entire day! The program was interactive and competitive but most of all rewarding. […]

Bears and Blankets / IGT / Kelly

IGT logo

Our Bears and Blankets program was extremely organized and your lead facilitator was …AH MAZING! The icebreakers were really fun and executed perfectly. We always love to give back to our community and to give back while having fun doing it, was the icing on the cake. I would highly recommend your company and you […]

Build-a-Wheelchair / Janssen / Annie

Jansen's logo on a white background.

The best “team building” aspect of our Build-a-Wheelchair program was the interactive questions and tasks that needed to be done together on the iPads. The most fun was building and racing the wheelchairs. I would like to thank you for a great, smooth running event and experience. It really brought team members together and we […]

Bike Build Donation / Boston Scientific / Elliott

Boston scientific logo on a white background.

On behalf of all of us at Boston Scientific, I want to thank each of you for making this day an amazing event. Your lead was an excellent host and got the team involved from the very first minute and we are so thankful for his leadership throughout this fun activity. Listening to Maurice from […]

Race Car Rally / Best Corporate Events / Scott

Scansource logo on a black background.

When ScanSource asked us if we could design a Race Car program for them, we said, “Sure, we can design and deliver just about anything.” Then they told us there would be one 1,000 participants. “No problem!” we replied. Then they told us they wanted their employees to build their own cars…out of Legos! Wow, […]

Build-a-Wheelchair / Commander VFW Post 1177 / Ray Delpesche

The vfw foundation logo.

I must first say what a pleasure it was being in the company of some wonderful individual last evening at your event. The welcome was very warm and I was humbled with the reception we received. I am also again appreciative for the opportunity you offered me to talk to your group. On behalf of […]

Bridge to the Future / Amcor Rigid Plastics / Marie

Amcor logo on a white background.

I just wanted to send along a note of thanks for your facilitation of Bridge to the Future for our group last week. The team really enjoyed themselves and let loose their engineering and artistic abilities to build a sturdy bridge on which we could all stand together. As you add new team building programs, […]

Total Recall / Studio Eagle / Amanda

Eagle Group logo

Our Total Recall team-building program was very organized. The communication needed to complete the activity was a great team builder, but the competition was definitely the most fun. Your lead facilitator was excellent and as far as our group enjoying the program as a whole, we give it a 10 out of 10!

Bike Build Donation / Siemens Digital Factory Division / Caroline

Siemens digital factory logo.

Our Bike Build Donation was such a cool and fun experience, and it was great helping out the children in the community. Your facilitator was very high energy and helpful. The most fun was the building of the bikes, the team cheers, and taking all of the pictures and videos on the iPads. Our group […]